Bryanston, a co-educational boarding school, is situated on a large site in Blandford Forum in Dorset. The School welcomes pupils from the UK and overseas at age 13 (Year 9) and for 6th form entry (Year 12).
Taken from the School website:
“Boarding is not simply about educating children away from home; at Bryanston, boarding is what allows us to provide a breadth and depth of opportunity for every child.
Boarding encourages pupils to become mature, caring and responsible adults who develop the key skills of tolerance, compassion, understanding and respect for others.
Each boarding house is headed by a Houseparent who takes a close interest in each pupil’s general progress and welfare, and encourages a nurturing sense of ‘home’ in their house. The Houseparent works in partnership with the Tutor and parents to ensure that each child is happy and achieving their best.”
We are delighted to see such an increase in interest from schools, with more joining AEGIS each week, demonstrating their commitment to safe guardianship of international students.