Elite Anglo-Chinese Services Passes Gold Standard Re-accreditation
Elite Anglo-Chinese Services has offices in Surrey and Hong Kong, enabling staff to have first-hand contact with parents and students. Elite Anglo-Chinese Services offer guardianship services throughout the UK with homestays across the country.
The lead inspector reported,
“Regular communication with students is in their first language and initial induction meetings take place in Hong Kong which ensures that students and their parents are fully briefed before they embark on their journey to the UK. Host family co-ordinators, one of whom is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, have travelled to Hong Kong to introduce themselves and a detailed, warm and welcoming presentation is given to help students make necessary preparations and to make them aware of some of the cultural differences they may experience.
Staff, including, homestays, are subject to all relevant safer recruitment checks. Reporting lines and responsibilities for safeguarding the welfare of children at all times are made clear and there is comprehensive code of conduct which now includes all of the recommended content in the AEGIS standards.”

Gold Standard Accreditation is the most prestigious accolade that a guardianship organisation can hold.