Regent Guardians Gains Gold Standard Re-accreditation
Regent Guardians offers a personalised guardianship service for international students studying the the UK.
Based in Somerset,The lead inspector reported:
“The previous Director and consultant regularly visit schools, including when students first join. Detailed reports are produced for parents following a visit. Students are well supported, for example if there is a concern raised regarding their learning, the guardian will liaise closely with the school to ensure that the student receives any necessary intervention. The previous Director is aware of the mental health concerns that may face students, and of external agencies that could provide help should there ever be a need to use these. They explained the importance of working with schools in such cases to make decisions that would be in the best interests of the child. The levels of communication between the guardian and parents, students and schools has been especially praised by some who responded to the AEGIS questionnaire.”
Gold Standard Accreditation is the most prestigious accolade that a guardianship organisation can hold.